    background inox stainless steel 830x435 1

    Is the inox 430 good? General knowledges about inox 430

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    Today INOX VIETNAM will provide the general knowledge of INOX 430, and its applications which is the popularly used in Viet Nam and worldwide as well as response people’s comments about Inox 430.

    What’s the Inox 430?

    Inox 430 belonging to Ferric stainless steel group is composed mainly of Crom and Fe, lower level of carbon, the little Nickel ( around 0-0.75%). As result of that, it also own the features of the stainless steel like good stability, anti erosion, forming ability with lower level than other stainless steel grade’s one. However, if it’s known about the Inox 430 physical ideas, it’s easy to control its disadvantages and take advantages of Inox 430 the best for practical application.

    Chart of the chemical composition of Inox 430:

    C Mn P S Si Cr
    0.12 max 1.0 max 0.045 max 0.03 max 1.0 max 16.0-18.0 max

    Is Inox 430 in good quality?

    In comparison to other stainless steel grade like 201, 304, 316, etc.., Inox 430 is in the lower quality. With the application for welding, it’s not well evaluated because it is bad performance in standing against high pressure and heavily affected. In case of performing in high pressure environment, it can’t also be used due to the lower hardness, stability. Inox 430 can be against high temperature, but in case of lower 0oC, it’s much possible to be broken.

    inox 430 co bi gi khong 830x544 1Is Inox 430 against erosion?

    The stainless steel is well known with their anti erosion. Some phrase like “anti oxygen”, “stainless”, “anti corrosion” are always stuck in mind when mentioning to stainless steel. In other words, stainless steel grade with different composition leads to different level of stainless. In comparison with other stainless steel grade such as 210, 304, 316, etc.., Inox 430 is less anti corrosion, less stainless, easily reacted by environmental affection. It’s able to standing against erosion in high temperature surroundings or less erosion in practical environment and excellent used in case of oxidizing substances influences. In environment limiting affecting factors, Inox 430 is took advantages the best.

    inox co bi hut nam cham khong nguyen nhan va cach khac phucIs Inox 430 magnetic infection?

    The magnetic infection is one of the specific feature of Inox 430 which is popular applied regarding to this feature. Moreover, in regarding with magnetic infection, Inox 430 is applied to produce magnetic items used popularly.

    Chart of comparison among 430, 201 and 304

    Inox 430 Inox 201 Inox 304
    Inox 430 can be against erosion under influences of organic acid and nitric acid. Moreover, Inox 430 can be anti erosion in the environment with less erosion factors and straightly control adding factors. Inox 201 is anti corrosion in the environment with less erosion factors influences While inox 304 can be  strongly anti corrosion in the environment with more erosion factors ( less than 316) and evenly adding strong erosion factors.
    Inox 430 can standing against  the temperature 815oC to 870oC Inox 201 can stand against  the temperature at 1149°C to   1232 °C Inox 304 can stand against  the temperature at 925oC
    In case of welding, Inox 430 need welding at the suitable temperature of 150oC to 200oC Inox 201 can be applied for usual welding methods without any specific requirements Inox 304 can be applied for any welding methods
    Inox 430 is well known for the magnetic infection feature. Inox 201is less magnetic infection Inox 304 is a little bit magnetic infection or normally magnetic uninfluenced.

    What are the applications of Inox 430?

    thiet ke day noi bang inox thong minh 476x438 1The reason is less advantage than other stainless steel grades, Inox 430 is in production for products which is less anti erosion, less contacting with water, other solutions, and specific substances. After all, the Inox 430 applications are also helpful for our practical life. The known applications of Inox 430 are the parts in the daily electric applications (refrigerator, TV, washing machine) kitchen tools ( pot, sink, spoon, fork, pan) house hold decorative applications. And the popular application of Inox 430 is made pot or pan used for electromagnetic stove thanks to magnetic infection feature.

    The price tag of Inox 430:

    The quality is usually positive to the price. Because of the less hardness capacity, less anti oxidizing progress, the price of Inox 430 is less than other grades, clearly seeing that it’s cheaper than Inox 201 and Inox 304. That’s the reason why the product made by Inox430 is cheaper than one made by other grades like 201 and 304. And the reason of not containing Nikel and molypden composition contribute to lower price of Inox 430 than other grade’s prices.

    Finally, for the general view of Inox 430, there are no more advantages than other stainless steel grades, but we still have knowledge of it in order to have more choices and to apply Inox 430 appropriately.
